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Propositions de divers postes et bourses de recherches

1. Two Lectureships in the Contemporary Middle East and Iran and in Modern Islam, University of Manchester 

The posts are intended to be permanent (subject to probation) and the starting date is intended to be 1st September 2012. The closing date for applications is 30th May 2012. Note that application can only be submitted via the University of Manchester electronic applications system, though Professor John Healey may be contacted for informal advice (

For details see:


2.  Research Fellow on "Higher Education and Political Change in the Arab World: What Role for the Social Sciences?", British Institute in Amman, Jordan

The CBRL is looking to recruit a Research Fellow to run its new research programme looking at the relationship between higher education and social change in the contemporary Arab world. Focusing on teaching and learning in the social science disciplines, the project will explore how these subjects inform understandings of the possibility of social change amongst Arab youth.

Based at the British Institute in Amman, with travel to Egypt, Palestine and the Gulf, the successful appointee will conduct new field-based research, study international research cooperation, and develop new projects in cooperation with local academic institutions and researchers. 

The position is ideally suited for a holder of a PhD in sociology, politics, international relations, anthropology, geography, education, or related disciplines. Previous fieldwork experience in the Middle East and good Arabic language skills are essential. 

The successful candidate will be appointed on a fixed term contract from 1 September 2012 to 31 August 2014. Inquiries about the position should be addressed to Dr Daniel Neep, ( 

Further particulars

The deadline for applications is 24 May 2012.


3. Scholar at the Kenyon Institute in Jerusalem

The Council for British Research in the Levant conducts research in the subject areas supported by the British Academy in the countries of the Levant. The successful candidate will recently have completed a Masters or PhD in a relevant discipline in the humanities or social sciences and will be seeking to develop an active research interest in the area, leading to the production of a significant publication. 

The Scholars' duties will include research and assisting with the administration of the Kenyon Institute. The principal responsibility of the Scholar will be to complete a programme of research relating to Jerusalem, Israel or the Palestinian Territories. The Scholarship is tenable for two years, with a start date of 1 September 2012. The Scholar will receive an annual Scholarship of £8,000 and free accommodation.

The closing date for completed applications and references is 28 May 2012. For further particulars, visit


4.  Assistant/Associate Professor of Middle Eastern, School of Arts and Sciences, American University in Dubai

Candidate: Ph.D. in Islamic Studies or Middle Eastern Studies (or closely related field), Academic qualifications to teach courses in history, business and/or culture, and courses with a geographic regional focus, Active research and/or scholarly production, Excellent English written and oral communication skills, Strong team ethic, Experience teaching diverse student populations.

Candidates must have an earned Doctorate from a Western accredited institution at the time of appointment (begin August 2012). Applications accepted and evaluated until this position is filled.Applicants must send a cover letter, CV, statement of teaching philosophy, and the contact of three academic and/or professional references to Faculty Recruitment, The American University in Dubai, P.O. Box 28282, Dubai, UAE. 


5. Visiting Assistant Professor, Center for Arab and Middle Eastern Studies (CAMES), American University of Beirut (AUB)

CAMES is an interdisciplinary program that offers an MA in Middle East Studies. This two-year appointment begins 1 September 2012. Candidates with completed Ph.D. before that time, have teaching experience, and hold promise of original scholarship are welcome. 

Electronic submissions are preferred and should be sent to Review of files will begin on May 7, 2012 and will continue until the post is filled. For more information on this position, please visit and


6. Two PhD Studentship on "Islam and Christianity in Africa", ZMO, Berlin

Birgit Meyer, Professor of Religious Studies at Utrecht University, and ZMO in Berlin are jointly advertising the posts of two fully funded PhD studentships for the course of three years, starting from 1st October 2012.

We invite well-qualified candidates (preferably with a background in Anthropology, Religious Studies, Islamic Studies or African Studies) to submit innovative proposals for doctoral research projects on comparative aspects of Islam and Christianity in Africa. The projects will be part of a larger program titled Habitats and Habitus: Politics and Aesthetics of Religious World Making.

Candidates will receive a monthly stipend of 1.300 EUR, plus sufficient travel expenses for long-term fieldwork and conference visits within this period. African candidates are particularly encouraged to apply.

The successful candidates will be registered as PhD students at the University of Utrecht and employed in Berlin at ZMO. They will also be linked to the Berlin Graduate School for Muslim Cultures and Societies, and thus be well integrated into an existing infrastructure of scholarly expertise on the Muslim world as well as on Africa and its historical and social interconnections with Europe, South Asia and the Middle East.

Candidates should submit their applications by 1 June 2012. Further information


7. Fellowships for Research on EU/German-Turkish Relations, Climate Change, Education, Sabancı University

Stiftung Mercator and Istanbul Policy Center at Sabancı University invite young academics and professionals with an interest in Turkey to apply for a new fellowship program. The 2012 fellowships begin September 1, 2012 and the deadline for applications is May 15, 2012. 

Applications or further questions by email to the Program Coordinator Mr. Daniel Grütjen


8. Recrutement de doctorants et postdocs pour le projet de recherche RELMIN : "Le statut légal des minorités religieuses dans l'espace euro-méditerranéen (Ve-XVe siècles)".

Projet financé pour 5 ans par le Conseil Européen de la Recherche. Pour plus d'information :

Source: Eurames

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
colonialcorpus (7 mai 2012). Propositions de divers postes et bourses de recherches. Colonialcorpus. Consulté le 11 septembre 2024 à l’adresse

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